All club representatives, captains and players and  are encouraged to review the rules before the start of every season. Below are the rules that were added or revised in advance of the new season:

2.1.2 REVISED The VSL Board will use final League points (not playoffs) as the primary basis to determine placement of teams for the following season, i.e, two up/two down (Open) and one up/one down (Women). (Starting in the 2012/2013 season, (beginning with the the results of the 2011/2012 season) the process of relegation and promotion between Open Division 1 and Open Division 2 will be one up/one down.) Club Reps may make alternative requests for team placement which will be perused and decided upon by the VSL Board. These requests must be received in writing, or via email, by the League Coordinator by June 30 of each year.

3.1.4 REVISED If a club has more than one team in a division it may choose to have a stronger and a weaker team or two teams of equal strength. Clubs must decide the rosters of each of their teams prior to the start of the season and are not allowed to make significant changes without the written permission of the VSL Board.

3.1.7 NEW Spares cannot play for more that one (1) team per division and to a maximum of two (2) teams per club.

5.2.4 REVISED The rescheduling of an individual match, between two players, will not be allowed unless agreed to by both captains in advance. The rescheduled match must be played BEFORE the date that the two teams are scheduled to meet.

9.2.1 NEW In the semi final round of the playoffs the 1st place team will have home advantage and play the 4th place team. The 2nd place team will have home advantage and play the 3rd place team. The higher ranked of the two semi final winning teams will have home advantage in the finals except in Division 1 where the finals will be played at the club hosting the Wrap Party.


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